In Laudato Sí, Pope Francis proposes integral ecology as the new paradigm of justice. It reflects the many relationships that keep a system intact, whole, and healthy. Integral ecology looks at a comprehensive picture of reality and is essential to our understanding the interconnectedness of the whole. This paradigm respects our unique place as human beings in this world
and our relationship to all which surrounds us. No issue is an isolated event but is part of the web of relationships. We commit to the following interwoven priorities:
and our relationship to all which surrounds us. No issue is an isolated event but is part of the web of relationships. We commit to the following interwoven priorities:
• Climate Justice
• Peace and Security of All Life
• Migration and Immigration
• Human Trafficking
• Economic Justice
• Peace and Security of All Life
• Migration and Immigration
• Human Trafficking
• Economic Justice
Climate JusticeWhat role must I take in bringing about the kind of world I wish for all to inhabit?
Human TraffickingWhat can I do to expose the truth about modern-day slavery and advocate for substantive laws that protect victims and hold accountable all who drive human trafficking?
Peace and Security of All Life How do I see the face of God in the whole of life, embrace the tenets of nonviolence, and practice loving those that I see as "other"?
Economic JusticeWhat steps must I take to bring about a world in which the common good of all is realized? What changes can I make to my lifestyle to reflect this commitment?
Migration and ImmigrationHow do I welcome the stranger? How do I advocate for just immigration policies and practices?